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Why Application Development in the Cloud is Better

Written by delaPlex
July 13,2017

Application development is expected to remain of major importance over the coming years. Using cloud-based assets for developing, testing and deploying applications has already been proven to provide significant benefits, and the paybacks are only going to increase. The following information can...

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Avoid Language-Based Communication Issues When Outsourcing

Written by delaPlex
June 01,2017

For years, and still today, many people believe that the language barrier will prevent successful outsourcing. Although it is possible for language differences to pose an issue, the real problem normally lies in a failure to communicate. Even when the client and the outsourcer speak the same...

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Matching Development Tools or Platforms to Projects

Written by delaPlex
January 23,2017

Developing a project can be challenging enough without trying to make do with the wrong technology. However, with the abundance of tools and platforms currently available, it can be difficult to make a selection. Since there is no "one-size-fits-all" solution, choosing the right development...

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The Hidden Benefits of QA and Testing Services

Written by delaPlex
December 05,2016

The aim of software testing is to ensure good quality software. Good quality software means it has less defects or issues, it works well, and does what it needs to do. However, the results of a recently published survey of 1,600 IT professionals from 32 countries revealed some troubling statistics....

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All About BOTS

Written by delaPlex
September 19,2016

Bots are software programs that are used extensively for automating tasks that users would normally have to do for themselves. Examples of basic bots are those that add appointments to the user's calendar, make dinner reservations or display a list of movies showing in the area.

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Common Outsourcing Myths

Written by delaPlex
July 18,2016

For many years, companies have been outsourcing certain tasks in an effort to improve the organization's operations. Whether the desired outcome is increased profitability, better customer service or greater operating efficiency, the overall goal is typically to give the company a competitive edge....

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SMAC: Leveraging the Convergence with Outsourcing

Written by delaPlex
June 22,2016

Most analysts name four innovations that have disrupted how businesses deliver IT services to their customers and employees. These are the mainframe computer, the mini-computer, the personal computer and the Internet. The fifth wave of disruptive innovation is currently underway. This is the...

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What is DevOps? An Introduction.

Written by delaPlex
May 09,2016

As the 21st century dawned, a new method of developing software was introduced. This was called the agile method of development. Agile development breaks a large software project into smaller pieces that can be completed — and often deployed — separately. These small development cycles are called...

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Why Outsourcing Software Development is About More Than Saving Money

Written by delaPlex
April 06,2016

Companies have been outsourcing their software development for decades, and it is still a stable, viable complement or even an alternative to in-house development. The reduced costs associated with outsourcing must certainly be considered; wages are substantially lower in most of the countries in...

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Microsoft Platform Projects? We Can Help.

Written by delaPlex
March 11,2016

In terms of revenue, Microsoft is the world's largest software company. Part of its popularity has been due to the ease with which various software can be integrated to offer solutions that were once cumbersome or impossible to achieve. If you are planning an in-house Microsoft project, however,...

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